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Film Reels


Samaco Film Distributors


We are a company committed to helping obtain distribution for completed, or near completed independent films.

We operate with clients within two categories, those that have a “Prints and Advertising” (P&A) budget, aka marketing, and those that do not.


For clients with a P&A budget of $50,000, $100,000 or $150,000, Samaco Film Distribution can offer a platform release deal, with the film showing in as many as 50 theaters in as many as 10 states across the United States. This option also includes three (3) thirty-second television commercials to be produced and released in each of the target markets where the film will be shown. We will also host a Los Angeles or New York Red Carpet Premiere.


Pending the success of the platform release, there is the possibility of continuing with a nationwide release. This deal also allows for a digital run (i.e. Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon) and a full-on DVD, VOD, Blue Ray, and television run once the film has been shown in theaters.


For clients who do not have a P&A budget, Samaco Film Distribution may be able to offer a digital release, as described above, with a 50/50 split of profits. With the success of a digital release, DVD distribution is also possible (i.e. Walmart, Target, etc.)

We understand that each project is different and would be happy to discuss options with you. Please contact us to discuss more about your needs.


All the best,
Samaco Films Distribution

Synergetic Distribution Collaboration


Addressing the linked issues of film production and film distribution requires an integrated approach. It will also require the best collective thinking and collaboration from all elements of each project. Samaco Films and Synergetic Distribution are proud to work together to bring your project the greatest possible exposure.

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